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Pacific Hacker Conference is an information security and hacking conference that gathers the brightest minds in cybersecurity and hacking from Silicon Valley and beyond. Focusing on cutting-edge techniques, research, and developments, we aim to create an environment where knowledge is shared and connections are made. Our audience ranges from security professionals, researchers, and ethical hackers to industry decision-makers. We keep the Conference small, allowing us to provide what other Cons leave out.


We provide presentation tracks, a workshop track, and a place to chill and learn while connecting with other like-minded individuals. No egos. No divas. It’s just a good time and good content. Join the conversation.


Conference Goals 


Pacific Hackers Association's major conferences focus on the current hot topics in information security. PHA events explore those topics even more by getting involvement from all who attend. For example, speakers are given time after talks to continue conversations at PHA events. Space and time are provided to encourage new ideas that could be the topics at future significant developments and conferences. Sponsorship brings you into that conversation! 


Target Audience 


While each PHA event is distinct, we welcome anyone interested in the cybersecurity community to attend. Pacific Hackers Conference is an event for all levels of experience and  diverse backgrounds – from the industry professionals offsetting or augmenting their current security skill set, to the students looking for potential career opportunities in the security community, as well as industry leaders looking to share their vast experiences. One thing they all have in common is a desire to connect with others in the community and discuss emerging issues. These are connections and experiences they can call upon throughout their career. 


PHA is not made up of members but rather participants. Each person who participates in PHA brings to it something to contribute. Some people bring hardware, organizational skills, or their friends. You are offering to bring other resources that help fuel the conversation. Sponsoring enables you to engage the conversation and interact with attendees, and our commitment to connect you with those attendees of interest to you and your business. The organizers hope your participation will enable another great PHA event. 

Code of Conduct

Although we are hackers and like to break things, we must align with the venue’s rules. Pacific Hackers Conference’s Code of Conduct can be found by clicking this link.

Notice of Content

Pacific Hackers Conference is primarily an adult event; minors are welcome if accompanied by an adult.


Please note that the Pacific Hackers Conference may not be suitable for everyone due to the event content, environment, or other reasons. We believe strongly in our community’s ability to speak freely and openly. Some speakers, attendees, or staff content or comments may be considered explicit or objectionable by some attendees. Attend at your own risk of being offended.

Notice of Funding

Pacific Hackers Conference is funded by the Pacific Hackers Association, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All tickets, swag, raffle sales, and sponsorship go towards the non-profit’s mission. Consider donating and supporting the Pacific Hackers Association. If you want to know more about PHA, visit for more information.

Notice of Right to Alter the Event:

We reserve the right to alter all schedules, speakers, presentations, prizes, food/beverages, items, or any other aspect provided at Pacific Hackers Conference at any time. Access to sessions may be restricted by seating capacity.

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